Monday 6 April 2020

Bookish Musings: Bells and Chimes

I've read about it. In lots of places. I've seen it being used as a descriptive in lots of novels. But. I have never actually heard laughter that sounds like bells. Or wind chimes. Or tinkling.

I've heard loud laughter; cackling laughter; boisterous laughter; sniggering laughter; wheezing laughter; snorting laughter.

I've seen people laughing so much they choke on their food; laughing so much they're unable to breathe; laughing so much tears roll down their face; laughing so much they drop onto the floor; laughing so much they look almost maniacal.

I've felt the kind of laughter that is bursting to come out; the kind of laughter that is merely an exhale; the kind of laughter that is so unexpectedly loud, I need to chide myself; the kind of laughter that makes my face feel warm and buzzing.

And all those kinds of laughter are so beautiful. Because laughter is a ray of sunshine made audible. And I don't feel any poorer for not being able to hear laughter like chimes. Because I've heard real, solid, imperfect, hilarious laughter. And that to me is akin to liquid gold.